About Me and Contact

(Blog written 2011-2012): I am an enthusiastic and bright history graduate, trying very hard and keeping my fingers crossed that I will eventually get a "real job".

In my dreams I am a weekly columnist for a modern newspaper supplement, writing in an ambitiously witty and fun way about the trials and tribulations of being a young person today.

From scathing to adoring, I blog about life for recent graduates in the current UK economic climate and the joys or sorrows it brings.

I have experience in the press industry and publishing.

Find me on Twitter @GutsyGrad


  1. I would like to note, that you probably receive a lot of spam having your email out in the open there... as well as having a hotmail account. Good day to you though. - Random internet wanderer from Canada

  2. I haven't actually had any spam emails luckily! I figured that I do need an email address on the page for anyone professional etc to contact me and if I was receiving spam I could block it. Thanks for your worries though!

  3. Hello
    I am writing to you to say thank you that what you and your collagues maked me soo happy. Central Asia won - The best Region of LonelyPlanet. I am from Uzbekistan and I love my country. I think from now, a lot of travellers can see our Architecture, can feel more emotions after that what you have done (your collagues too). It makes being famous around the World. Bc, I am traveller too, I am travelling a lot, when I was in abroad, the locals asked me - Where are you from? Then I said, from Uzbekistan. Do you know, 99% of that locals understood - AFGHANISTAN, or Pakistan, it was making me angry.

    I think, you will understand, what I am saying, my feelings.

    Also, I want to invite you and your friends to Uzbekistan. Its my please to help you, bc now I am working here, at tour agency in Uzbekistan.

    If you have any clarifications you can contact me ay time, any where.
